FPVToolBox Changelog

not every detail is listed here, just what's found to be noticeable

Version Location Change
0.0.33 batteries Lazy Charge (auto assumes defaults for 1 click recording)
QR codes prepared for Labels
Sticker Names (short ID for stickers or existing Identification already written on battery) *all remember logins for mobile checkins batteries auto calculate and fill default values on checkins/updates (needed for lazy charge) *all security update for Database functions (Login still use old code)
0.0.32 batteries added a "wizard style" checkin (to make checkins on mobile more easy.
0.0.31 users created a very crude signup process to have others testing things.
0.0.3 batteries first "trial release". adding a few batteries to gather some "real data"
0.0.2 *all Change Layout Creative Tim Template framework
0.0.1 lipomanager some quick testing about database structure and how to handle the QR Code generation


  • redo extra table for devices allowing multiple hashes per user
  • Onboarding with total "unaccounted cycles" to generate averages for new records
  • individual cell voltages as option
  • templates for major brands
  • Multi-Lazy charge, alow to select a number of batteries (for parallel charging)
  • Privacy setting (per battery and per profile) to hide batteries from public pages